Bye Laws
Code of Conduct
Privacy Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Anti Bullying Policy
- The green shall normally be open from 10:15 until dusk.
- The Green Management will control the care and maintenance of the green; direction of play; rink closures; suitability for play and the use of protective mats.
- For use of the green members shall abide by the Rink Booking Procedures as published in the Rink Booking Folder.
- Members shall provide their own bowls and authorised heel-less bowling shoes.
- Members shall at all times comply with the appropriate dress code.
- It shall be a condition of continued membership that all members eligible for catering duties undertake them as rostered by the Catering Manager or arrange a suitable swap with other members.
- Pets brought to the club must be kept under control. Dogs must be kept on a lead.
- The use of the barbecue is only permitted when it does not interfere with games/matches in play.
- Players or spectators shall not sit on the wall or the banks of the green facing the green.
- In the event of localised thunder and/or lightening all players shall leave the green immediately.
- The Bar may be open at any of the times covered by the Club’s licence.
- Members using the club facilities but not bowling should avoid such actions that may distract, annoy or otherwise interfere with games/matches in play.
- The Club accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any injury or damage to members or visitors or for the loss or damage to members’ or visitors’ equipment or property left on the club premises or in the club car park.
- Private Hire of the Club premises. There is a standard procedure for those wishing to hold events (private or otherwise) at the Club. The Management Committee must be consulted about the nature and date of the event and give permission in writing prior to invitations being sent out. No social events other than official Club events may be held during the bowling season. Many of the regulations pertaining to Club hire are to protect members’ enjoyment of our sport and to comply with the Club’s insurance and its restrictions.
- The last member(s) to leave the club at the end of the evening session are responsible for ensuring that all lights and relevant appliances are turned off; the bar is locked; all inner doors and windows are closed; the alarm set; the outer doors secured and locked; the gates secured and locked.
- Members should ensure that when the clubhouse is left unattended during the day, all the outer doors are firmly shut, the rear door padlocked, inner fire doors and windows are closed and the alarm set.
- Bowling bags must be left in the changing rooms – not on the green surrounds.
- Proficient Visitors are permitted to use the green for roll-ups for a maximum of five occasions upon payment of the current fee.
- No bills, placards or newspapers may be exhibited on the Club notice board or distributed on the Club premises without the permission of the Club Secretary.
- Members should be considerate of others when using mobile phones in the Clubhouse and grounds. Mobile phones must not be used on or around the green whilst playing or any game or match is taking place.
- Smoking and vaping is only allowed in the area at the bottom of the entrance ramp indicated by the ‘Smoking Area’ sign. It is not allowed anywhere else on the Club site.
Harpenden Bowling Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members, ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience. The club believes that it is important that members, coaches and administrators show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the Welfare Officers or their Captain or Club Secretary as appropriate. As a member of Harpenden Bowling Club, you are expected to abide by the following code of conduct on and around the green:
- All members must take responsibility in ensuring they are up to date with the Club rules, understand and adhere to them.
- All members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
- Members should recognise the valuable contribution made by coaches and officials who are usually volunteers. They give their time and resources to provide bowling for you.
- All members must respect officials and publicly accept their decisions.
- All members should be a positive role model, treat other players and officials with the same level of respect you would expect to be shown to you.
- Use correct and proper language at all times.
- Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach or Captain if they are going to be late.
- Members must wear correct clothing for roll-ups, matches and competitions, as set out in the Club’s dress code.
- Respectable casual dress is required at all times when watching or supporting the club.
- Members must pay fees for subscriptions or events promptly.
- Bullying of any sort will not be tolerated. Encourage everyone to enjoy sport and understand that people have different motivations for taking part.
- The Club expects all members to be able to deliver their bowls without causing damage to the Green. Those who cannot achieve this will be required to obtain help from a Coach.
- All members are required to assist with clearing up after events both in the Club House and outside around the Green.
Harpenden Bowling Club does not store any information about individuals who access this web-site, except where contact via email is made. In this case, the personal information given will be used exclusively for providing the information requested
Harpenden Bowling Club does not pass any personal details to outside organisations and/or individuals
This Privacy Statement only covers Harpenden Bowling Club's web-site. Links within this site to other web-sites are not covered by this statement and visitors should consult the other web-sites' policies.
In applying for membership you will have given us your name, address, telephone numbers and, if you have one, an e-mail address; and also an emergency contact’s phone number. This information is put on our membership database which is held securely.
Our policy regarding: data protection
· We will not share your details with any third party other than for the legitimate purposes of bowling.
· We will only use your data to manage your membership and related activities, including information you provide for the purpose of attending club events.
· We will only hold personal data that you have provided in your application to become a member or have subsequently updated.
Our policy regarding: communication
We use the personal data that you have provided to communicate with you about your club membership and any club activities or club news. For example:
Your rights under GDPR 2018:
The legislation also introduces a number of individual rights and these include your right:
You can ask about the data we hold on you by telephoning or writing to the Club Secretary.
Harpenden Bowling Club does not store any information about individuals who access this web-site, except where contact via email is made. In this case, the personal information given will be used exclusively for providing the information requested
Harpenden Bowling Club does not pass any personal details to outside organisations and/or individuals
This Privacy Statement only covers Harpenden Bowling Club's web-site. Links within this site to other web-sites are not covered by this statement and visitors should consult the other web-sites' policies.
In applying for membership you will have given us your name, address, telephone numbers and, if you have one, an e-mail address; and also an emergency contact’s phone number. This information is put on our membership database which is held securely.
Our policy regarding: data protection
· We will not share your details with any third party other than for the legitimate purposes of bowling.
· We will only use your data to manage your membership and related activities, including information you provide for the purpose of attending club events.
· We will only hold personal data that you have provided in your application to become a member or have subsequently updated.
Our policy regarding: communication
We use the personal data that you have provided to communicate with you about your club membership and any club activities or club news. For example:
- Reminders and updates about social events, competitions and fixtures.
- Requests for volunteers for housekeeping and maintenance activities.
- Relevant other bowls activities such as charity galas.
Your rights under GDPR 2018:
The legislation also introduces a number of individual rights and these include your right:
- To enquire about what data we hold and its accuracy
- To be informed of any data security breach
- To ensure that we erase your data if your membership ceases
You can ask about the data we hold on you by telephoning or writing to the Club Secretary.
Notice of child and vulnerable adult protection policy - (Safeguarding)
Harpenden Bowling club fully accepts its legal and moral duty to exercise its duty of care and protect all children and vulnerable adults participating in its activities and safeguarding their welfare.
This is taken from the guidance from the Bowls England and English Short Mat Bowling Associations
We are committed to do this by acknowledging that:
Harpenden Bowling club fully accepts its legal and moral duty to exercise its duty of care and protect all children and vulnerable adults participating in its activities and safeguarding their welfare.
This is taken from the guidance from the Bowls England and English Short Mat Bowling Associations
We are committed to do this by acknowledging that:
- The welfare of the individual is paramount.
- Each individual has irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or disability, the right to protection from abuse.
- All allegations are taken seriously.
- The response to them is swift and appropriate.
- The effectiveness of our policy is reviewed annually.
- A responsible person is appointed annually as Safeguarding officer, to whom members can address any concerns.
- A current list of useful contacts is available in the clubhouse.