**Message from the Green Manager**
As a Club we spend a great deal of money on our green; we also have a dedicated group of members called the Green Gang who give up a good deal of their time to maintain the playing surface. Both these are necessary as our green is probably the most intensively used green in the County.
Members can help in a number of ways to maintain the playing surface;
* Deliver the bowl smoothly - if you have difficulty please ask for assistance from one of the club coaches. Any bowl delivered above the surface will cause some damage - from bruising to takin out a divot of turf.
* Be careful when stepping onto the green. The correct method is always to step into the ditch first. Some members do not feel secure enough to do this; and at the wall end it isn't possible anyway - in these cases please ensure that you stay well away from the edge. Equally, when play is in progress please stand away from the edge of the green. This is sensible anyway: If you step backwards into the ditch and then fall backwards there is a good chance of a broken leg!
* Remove delivery mats to the bank at the end of each end. On warm days, mats left on the green will cause burn marks.
* Support working parties: we will never give someone a task they are not comfortable with. Most of our members can sit on a chair and hold a bag open; even make a cup of tea.
* For those who are able please volunteer to do a turn of brushing the dew off the green during the playing season. It's not particularly difficult and takes only 10 to 15 minutes.
Please help us to keep your green in tip top order.
Members can help in a number of ways to maintain the playing surface;
* Deliver the bowl smoothly - if you have difficulty please ask for assistance from one of the club coaches. Any bowl delivered above the surface will cause some damage - from bruising to takin out a divot of turf.
* Be careful when stepping onto the green. The correct method is always to step into the ditch first. Some members do not feel secure enough to do this; and at the wall end it isn't possible anyway - in these cases please ensure that you stay well away from the edge. Equally, when play is in progress please stand away from the edge of the green. This is sensible anyway: If you step backwards into the ditch and then fall backwards there is a good chance of a broken leg!
* Remove delivery mats to the bank at the end of each end. On warm days, mats left on the green will cause burn marks.
* Support working parties: we will never give someone a task they are not comfortable with. Most of our members can sit on a chair and hold a bag open; even make a cup of tea.
* For those who are able please volunteer to do a turn of brushing the dew off the green during the playing season. It's not particularly difficult and takes only 10 to 15 minutes.
Please help us to keep your green in tip top order.